Many children use roadways to make their way to and from school. Parents must review road safety rules with their children and the importance of not accepting rides or any invitations from strangers. It is best to walk with a buddy and keep focused on getting straight home.
To keep safe on roads, children pedestrians must:
1. Find a safe and direct route to school with the help of their parents. Hazards should be identified (train tracks, busy intersections, etc.) and a designated route with safety rules should be established.
2. Stay on sidewalks whenever possible. If there is no sidewalk, use the left side of the road facing traffic.
3. Cross streets only at corners and learn to look to the left, the right and then left again before proceeding, even at intersections with pedestrian walk signs. Vehicles have been known to drive through red lights, so children must be made aware of that danger and learn to wait until traffic comes to a stop. Special attention must also be given to the danger of vehicles turning on red lights.
4. Respect and obey the directions of crossing guards.
Prevention is the key to safety. With education and awareness, all children should be able to get safely to school and home again.
Take the time to share Elmer's valuable safety rules with your children.
1. Look all ways before you cross the street.
2. Keep away from Parked cars.
3. Ride your bike safely ~ Obey signs and signals.
4. Play in a safe place away from the street.
5. Walk when you cross the street.
6. Where there is no sidewalk, walk on the left, facing traffic.
7. Always wear your seat-belt in the car.