Backyard trampolines can offer a safe and healthy activity for children as long as a few precautions are in place. Being safe requires being responsible and following a few non-negotiable rules.
Is your backyard trampoline-friendly?
- Trampolines must be placed on a flat surface that has a soft, energy-absorbing ground such as spongy lawn, bark wood chip or sand. Do not place on concrete, asphalt, compacted clay or other hard surfaces.
- The area around the trampoline (at least 2.5 meters) should be free of structures, trees, clotheslines or any other object that could injure the jumper.
Have you read the manufacturer’s booklet?
- Be sure that the trampoline has been properly installed according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Spring and leg braces should be secure and regular maintenance checks should be done.
- Read carefully to see if there are any limitations such as maximum weight.
Should you invest in trampoline accessories?
- The most important and worthwhile trampoline accessory is the “enclosure net” which keeps children from flying off of the trampoline. It also cordons off the holes created by the springs which surround a trampoline pad. This may prevent injury caused by landing in between the springs, which can lead to lacerations or broken bones.
- Another possible accessory is the safety pad that completely covers the springs, hooks and frame. The pad should be a contrasting colour to the mat to clearly designate a no-bounce zone.
Although both the enclosure net and/or safety pad are good safety measures, they do not replace responsible behavior or supervision.
- Finally, never place a ladder or step stool giving free access to the trampoline. Children should get in the habit of asking for permission before using the trampoline, as they will need supervision.
What are the Non-Negotiable Rules?
- Do not allow more than one person on the trampoline at a time.
Most injuries occur when sharing a trampoline pad, particularly to the person weighing less (they are five times more likely to be hurt).
- Children should not attempt flips or somersaults. Always remain in control. Serious injuries, paralysis or death may result.
- Children require supervision.
An adult should observe the activity on the trampoline, enforces the safety rules and is on hand for any emergencies.